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Incident Response Manager

4.4 ( 7584 ratings )
Developer: Fred Ehnow

Incident Response Manager (IRManager for short) is for use by first responder agencies such as volunteer fire departments and ambulance services. Each time a new incident is dispatched via computer-aided dispatch (CAD), it will show up nearly immediately in the app, and first responders indicate their response (En Route, Available, Unavailable), along with response time and station. This allows fellow responders to quickly see who is responding to an incident and when they will be there.

IRManager should NOT be used as the primary means for first responder incident notification, as there is no guarantee that it will receive data for each incident, or that individual incident data will be complete.

Note: Each department needs to have the apps developer set up the forwarding for their computer-aided dispatch system. Contact the developer to set this up, or to get information on how to access a test department setup to see how the app functions.